
Terms of Use

Welcome to Birsen Hanim Olive Farm.

Welcome to, owned by Birsen Hanim Olive Farm.

Birsen Hanim Olive Grove is designed to provide its distinguished Dealers/dealers with the opportunity to make online reservations (“Campaign”) at the contracted businesses in connection with their travels (hereinafter referred to as “Service Provider/Business”), with the relevant conditions and for a limited period of time. The contract regulates the terms of the Dealers to use the site and benefit from these Campaigns (The term Campaign in this contract is not a campaign stipulated in Article 7 of the Law No. 4077, but is used with a lexical meaning.).

If any of the conditions stated on this page are not suitable for you, please do not use the website Using the site and filling out the form containing your personal information means that you accept the terms written on these pages in advance. reserves the right to change the following general and special conditions partially or completely at any time. In this case, the Terms of Use will be posted on the site in its new form, including the date of change. We recommend that you read this page frequently when you visit in order to see the changes that may occur in the terms of use.

Becoming a dealer to and benefiting from the services provided is free of charge, unless otherwise stated. However, some or all of the services offered in the future may be paid, and different paid and free Franchise forms may be created.

In case of violation of these terms of use, the site management may prevent the use of the site by the Dealer and reserves its legal rights about the person or persons involved in such attempts.

1. Usage and Safety

1 a. Incorrect, irregular, incomplete and misleading information, statements that do not comply with general moral rules and information that do not comply with the laws of the Republic of Turkey cannot be recorded on the site.

1.b. The works and content on the site may not be used or tried to be used for different purposes by copying them partially or completely.

1.c. Software that will threaten the general security of the site, prevent the operation of the site and the software used, cannot be used, activities cannot be carried out, cannot be attempted, and information cannot be retrieved, deleted or changed.

1.d. The dealer is obliged not to share his account with anyone else, not to transfer it to anyone else, and not to take any action that would endanger the security of his account access information and account. The Dealer is directly responsible for the sharing of information such as user name, password, usage rights, given to the dealers or determined by them, with third parties or organizations or the malicious use of these by third parties, and any consequences of these uses. The dealer accepts that Birsen Hanim Olive Farm has no responsibility for these uses and cannot bring any accusation or compensation claim against Birsen Hanim Olive Farm. Birsen Hanim Olive Farm does not have any obligation to identify the persons who make such illegal uses. In the event of such a use, the dealer must notify Birsen Hanim Olive Farm without delay. Likewise, the Reseller cannot use another person's IP address, e-mail address, user name and other information on the internet, and cannot access or use other users' private information without permission. Any legal and penal liability that may arise due to such use belongs to the Dealer.

1.e. By making use of any deficit (technical, etc.) of the Birsen Hanim Olive Farm Campaigns, the Birsen Hanim Olive Farm's sales system or the website, the dealer harms the Birsen Hanim Olive Farm, provides an unfair advantage, makes repeated practices, Despite not meeting the conditions, in the event that Birsen Hanim Olive Farm determines that the campaigns, sales system or website of Birsen Hanim Olive Farm is used badly, such as benefiting from them, in addition to all the rights of Birsen Hanim Zeytin Orphanage arising from the law, canceling the said transactions; The user has the right to terminate the Franchise.

1.f. It may be necessary to be at least (18) years old in order to receive some services and carry out transactions through Birsen Hanim Zeytinlik. If necessary, Birsen Hanim Zeytinli can request from the underage Dealers to bring a certificate of approval from their own parents. In this case, the Dealership or the person requesting to benefit from a certain service or the Dealer has the obligation to respond to the request within one (1) day at the latest. Otherwise, the person's Franchise application will be invalidated. If this person is a Dealer, Birsen Hanim Zeytinlığı may terminate the said service or the Dealership.

Persons younger than eighteen (18) years of age cannot be a party to any transaction that requires legal capacity (including but not limited to the Campaigns offered on the Site), they cannot participate in lotteries, sweepstakes and similar campaigns and arrangements that may be organized by Birsen Hanim Zeytinlik, even if they participate, they can win a bonus. Bonuses are not given to them.

In accordance with the company policy, business model or legal legislation of Birsen Hanim Zeytinli, the age limit for individuals to become a Dealer or for the existing Dealers to benefit from some or all of the services, from time to time, permanently or discontinuously, without notifying and without imposing any additional obligation on Birsen Hanim Olive Farm. can bring. In the said age limit or age limits applications, if the current Dealers do not comply with the age limit, the said Dealerships will be canceled as soon as possible without any notification.

Within the scope of this article, Birsen Hanim Olive Farm requires the persons or Dealers to notify or confirm their age to Birsen Hanim Olive Farm or the T.C. may request their certification and verification by methods such as identity control based on their number. In this case, the person requesting the Dealership or the Dealer has the obligation to respond to the request within one (1) day at the latest. Otherwise, the person's Franchise application is invalidated or Birsen Hanim Zeytin Farm has the right to terminate the said Franchise. The Reseller acknowledges in advance that, in the essence of the service and virtual environments, company policies, business model or legislation may change frequently and radically.

1.g. Each Franchise can belong to only one person. Users guarantee that the information they store in their profile they submit for the Dealership is theirs, true and correct. Likewise, a single person cannot establish more than one Franchise. In both cases, if they are noticed, they will be removed from the dealership by Birsen Hanim Zeytinlik without any notification. In addition, the Franchise cannot be transferred to another person permanently or temporarily.

2. Content Usage

2 a. The visual and written content presented on is for personal use. All rights of all texts, graphics, photos, videos, animations or sounds in the content of are reserved. Unless otherwise stated, it cannot be used for commercial or personal purposes without permission and reference. It is forbidden to publish any item on this site in another medium or website or to give a link without the permission of Birsen Hanim Zeytinliği.

2.b. It is strictly forbidden to copy or use the software used in the design of these pages and in the creation of the database and all rights belong to Birsen Hanim Zeytinliği. In addition, all graphics, texts, images, information, design and all kinds of software used in the creation of the database in the site content are protected in accordance with the relevant legislation within the scope of intellectual property rights.

2.c. is open to all kinds of comments and criticism. All these comments and criticisms sent to our site are our property and can be used for marketing purposes.

3. Responsibilities

3 a. The information of users visiting (visit time, time, pages viewed) is followed in order to provide better service to them. The information obtained can be used for advertising, etc., in order to enrich and improve our content section, subject to confidentiality principles. It is shared with the companies we cooperate with. Our aim is to ensure that the site has the features you want and to ensure site development. If users accept the terms of this agreement and start using the site, they agree in advance to share such information with third parties by Birsen Hanim Zeytinliği, provided that they adhere to the confidentiality principles.

3.b. After completing the registration process and confirming his e-mail address, the person can become a reseller of and start using the site by entering his e-mail address and password, provided that he complies with the conditions specified in this contract.

3.c. While the dealer is using the site and services, the Turkish Penal Code, the Turkish Commercial Code, the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works, the Decree-Laws and Legal Regulations on the Protection of Trademark and Patent Rights, the Law of Obligations, other relevant legislation provisions and Birsen Hanim It agrees to abide by all kinds of announcements and notifications to be published by Zeytinlik regarding its services. All legal, penal and financial responsibilities that may arise due to these notifications and illegal use belong to the Dealer.

3.d. Any ideas and thoughts that the dealer will declare through the site are his own personal opinion and only bind himself. The site cannot be used to publish opinions and statements for political and philosophical propaganda, no behavior or comments can be made on the site in a way that causes unfair competition and harms the personal and / or commercial reputation of the person concerned, and there is no purpose on the site that may harm the society or violate general morality and the law. activities and suggestions cannot be made. Words and dispositions that support a certain political view, insult, threaten or harass cannot be made. In this regard, the Dealer, T.C. Actions, writings, videos, photographs, slogans, pictures, cartoons, drawings that are considered a crime under the Constitution, Turkish Penal Code and other laws or that require compensation, disrupt public security, national unity and solidarity, violate general morality, public interest and fundamental rights and freedoms. He accepts in advance that he knows that matters such as words, songs, melody, comments cannot be shared through the site, and that he will be personally responsible if he acts otherwise. The dealer accepts, declares and undertakes that it is obliged to meet any demand that Birsen Hanim Olive Farm and its officials will be subject to for this reason, and to pay any compensation, including fines, to Birsen Hanim Olive Farm and its officials. In this context, the Dealer is against the nature and content of the disclosed material such as thoughts, actions, writings, videos, photographs, slogans, pictures, cartoons, lines, words, comments, as well as official institutions, organizations, third parties, against Birsen Hanim Zeytinlığı, its partners and managers. also individually responsible.

3.e. Birsen Hanim Zeytinlik may temporarily or permanently prevent the Dealer from using and/or cancel the Dealership due to non-compliance with the obligations set forth in this contract or the general rules reported on the site.

3.f. The Dealer cannot take actions that prevent or make it difficult for other Dealers and visitors to use, and cannot force/lock servers or databases with automatic programs. Do not attempt to cheat data. The Reseller agrees and undertakes not to access or use other Reseller's private, confidential programs, files, information or areas with similar content without permission. Otherwise, the Franchise will be terminated and any legal and criminal responsibility that may arise from them belongs to him.

3.g. The dealer, including all intellectual works such as all thoughts, actions, texts, videos, photographs, slogans, pictures, cartoons, lines, words, songs, melodies, comments, which he gave to Birsen Hanim Zeytinliği to be placed on the site and expressed and uploaded through the site. owns all the rights of all kinds of content undisputedly or has the right and authority to use, disseminate, reproduce, make available to the public, trade them etc. and that no third party has any right or related demand on these rights, It clearly declares, accepts and undertakes that it is personally responsible for all kinds of follow-ups and requests for Zeytinlik. Birsen Hanim Zeytinlığı has no control over the accuracy of this statement.

The Reseller may in no way add, distribute or copy any copyrighted or other intellectual property rights, trademark or other proprietary information to the site without the prior written consent of the owner of these rights. Birsen Hanim Zeytinlilığı is not obliged to check the content provided by the Dealer or to investigate whether there is an illegal activity in accordance with the Law No. 5651. The dealer is solely responsible for the content provided to the site.

3.h. It is the responsibility of the individuals to back up the messages made with the Birsen Hanim Zeytinlik, and it is recommended by the Birsen Hanim Zeytinlik. Birsen Hanim Zeytinliği cannot be held responsible for the loss, deletion or damage of messages due to not being backed up.

3.i. The dealer cannot delete or remove the warnings and notes regarding the rights protected under the Copyright, Trademark and any Intellectual and Artistic Works Law, on any material copied or printed from Birsen Hanim Zeytinliği.

3.j. Canceling the dealership and deleting the account can be done by the Dealer at any time via If you want your dealership to be terminated, you can send a message to The user who has terminated his dealership will be revoked with the Reseller profile he has terminated to the site. The person who cancels his dealership accepts that this process is irreversible. However, when the person wants to become a Reseller again, he can always create a new Franchise independent of the first one. Termination of the contract by the Dealer does not mean that the content provided by the Dealer is removed from the system or made invisible, and Birsen Hanim Zeytinli does not have any responsibility in this regard. The dealer can restart his dealership, which he has frozen and canceled, by logging into Birsen Hanim Zeytinlik with his current e-mail and password. In this case, it is deemed to have accepted the conditions in the current contract at the time it started its dealership.

3 K. Birsen Hanim Zeytinlik is free to delete or not delete any record belonging to the Birsen Hanim Zeytinlik or the Dealer account terminated by the Dealer itself, and the Dealer cannot claim any right or compensation for the records stored in the database or deleted. The information you provide can be used by Birsen Hanim Zeytinliği for data purposes.

I. Defined as personal information; Your name and surname, date of birth, address information, phone number and e-mail address are kept for you to easily benefit from the services on our site as long as you share them with Birsen Hanim Zeytinliği.

II. The information stored by us on our site is used to benefit from the services we offer and to make a sales agreement. This information may be shared with third parties in line with the preferences of our users during a sales agreement.

III. We may share the personal information of our users with the institutions and organizations of the Republic of Turkey for legal and legal reasons, in cases such as the threat of state and public security.

IV. The information collected from this site may be sold or transferred to third parties or organizations in case of changes in the company structure resulting from the sale, merger or restructuring of the company.

For the sake of the essence of the Service, some or all of the content provided by the Reseller may remain visible on the site to ensure that other Resellers receive the service without interruption or in its entirety. Likewise, due to the essence of the service, even in cases where the contract is terminated by the Dealer or the Dealership is frozen, except for the cases where the Dealer withdraws the content offered from the site during his Franchise, since the content in question is irreversibly processed into the Birsen Hanim Zeytinlik database, Birsen Hanim Zeytinli's hereby All rights that have arisen regarding the content within the scope of the article remain the same.

3.l. Dealers' relations with each other or with third parties are under their own responsibility.

3.m. Birsen Hanim Zeytinliği is not responsible for the content of the sites it promotes or advertises, for the purpose of providing information and convenience to the visitors or for different reasons (links to different internet sites), or the services provided by the real person or legal person who owns these sites, or the products it sells, the risks associated with these belong to the visitors.

3.n. has the right to use all the information connected to your Franchise regarding its own marketing activities, provided that the terms of use, privacy policy and applicable legal regulations are adhered to.

3.o. The dealer may not use the site for any commercial purpose and activity, including, but not limited to, the sale or promotion of any product or service. The Dealer may not engage in commercial gains directly or indirectly from other Dealers through the service. The Dealer cannot collect any personal information, including e-mail, telephone number, from other Dealers for commercial or other purposes.

3.p. The dealer accepts and undertakes that Birsen Hanim Zeytinli will not directly or indirectly violate the rights of Birsen Hanim Zeytinli within the scope of providing the service specified in this contract by copying some or all of the software, content, service or the elements that make up the site, taking samples or other inspiration. is doing.

3.r. In certain parts of the site, different section-specific rules and obligations may be specified. Persons and organizations using these sections are deemed to have accepted the relevant rules in advance.

3.p. The Dealer accepts, declares and undertakes that Birsen Hanim Zeytinli is not a service provider in any way, on the contrary, it is only an intermediary between the Service Provider/Business and the Dealer and is not a party to the relationship between the Dealer and the Enterprise based on the purchased service. In this context, the services to be provided by the "Service Provider/Enterprise" are not the subject of this contract, nor are they under the commitment and guarantee of Birsen Hanim Zeytinlığı. In this respect, the role of Birsen Hanim Olive Farm should be interpreted as a platform that brings together the service/product provider Business and the Dealer on the internet. Birsen Hanim Olive Grove is not responsible for the service provided and/or provided to the Dealer by the Business being defective or defective and/or not providing/not providing/providing within the specified time. The Dealer accepts, declares and undertakes that it will raise such claims only against the Business and will not make any claims against Birsen Hanim Zeytinli.

3.t. Please visit the "Privacy Policy" page to learn the principles and practices for protecting the confidentiality of information belonging to dealers.

3.u. The Dealer accepts that it will be deemed to have accepted all the provisions of these Terms of Use from the date of the Dealership and that the contract will make a provision for itself. The Dealer will indemnify all kinds of damages incurred by Birsen Hanim Zeytin Grove due to the breach of its obligations under this contract. It has the right of recourse to the Dealer for legal fines.

3.v. The dealer shall be deemed to have given his approval for all kinds of commercial electronic messages to be sent to him by Birsen Hanim Zeytinlığı after reading and accepting these Dealership and terms of use. In this context, the Dealer may send electronic messages to him by Birsen Hanim Zeytinliği through automatic dialing systems such as fax, e-mail, short message that work without personal intervention, or by other means of communication, for information, marketing or advertising purposes without any prior permission from the Dealer. He agreed to send it.

The dealer may at any time, without giving any reason, stop receiving electronic messages within the scope of these terms of use; For this, it will be sufficient to send the request in this direction to Birsen Hanim Zeytinliği by using the contact information in the call or message. Birsen Hanim Olive Farm will ensure that the waiver request is communicated to her in an easy way and free of charge; Upon receipt of the request, Birsen Hanim Zeytinlik will immediately fulfill the requirements of this request.

4. Rights and Responsibilities of Birsen Hanim Olive Farm

4.a. Birsen Hanim Zeytinliği accepts and undertakes that the Dealer will benefit from the contracted services, excluding technical malfunctions, and that the information other than the personal information shared by the Dealer will not be shared with third parties or organizations except for the performance of the service and legal obligations. If it is determined that the Dealer has caused any electronic sabotage, attempts to interfere with earnings and/or attacks that will prevent the site from working, or if a criminal complaint or official investigation request is received from the official authorities against the Dealer, Birsen Hanim Zeytinli will provide the identity of the relevant Dealer. reserves the right to research and explain.

4.b. Birsen Hanim Olive Farm provides the service "as is", "with all faults" and "as is". Birsen Hanim Zeytincilik does not give any express or implied warranty or guarantee regarding the service. In this context, Birsen Hanim Zeytinliği does not guarantee any level of service and/or security. Implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, workmanship and non-infringement are also excluded. In order to ensure the continuity of the services it has undertaken, Birsen Hanim Zeytinli can make unilateral changes to this contract without any notice. Birsen Hanim Zeytinliği has the right to permanently or temporarily stop the service it provides unilaterally, to change the content of the service or to cancel it, without giving any reason. The dealer accepts this savings in advance. The renewed current terms of use will be published on the website with the new date update under the same link, and if necessary, the Dealer will be notified by e-mail. The renewed current terms of use will be valid from the moment they are published on and the use of the site or services will be subject to the renewed terms of use from that moment on. Since the Reseller is responsible for following the changes, the Reseller can never claim that he/she is not aware of the changes.

If the dealer has a reservation regarding the service offered, he/she must immediately stop using the service and terminate this contract accordingly.

The Dealership of the Dealer, which has sent the materials contrary to the provisions of this contract to, may be terminated unilaterally by Birsen Hanim Zeytinlik without any notice.

4.c. Birsen Hanim Zeytinliği does not warrant that any content or information available on the site or service is faultless, error-free, flawless, virus-free or free from anything that could change or delete the Dealer's software, data or device. Responsibility for any content or other material viewing or uploading made through the Site lies entirely with the Reseller.

In no case, for any special, secondary, important, exemplary, penal, direct or indirect damages arising from the use or inability to use the site or any of the content (including but not limited to breach of contract, negligence). , even if it has been previously informed that such damages may occur and regardless of the cause of such damages (including but not limited to loss of business, loss of profit, loss of interest, loss of reputation, loss of data, loss of programs or information, etc.). included).

4.d. Birsen Hanim Zeytinliği has no liability, in particular, for damages resulting from the following: (a) errors, errors or omissions on the Site or in any content, or in any product, goods, software, information or services provided or downloaded through the service. (b) Any virus, software malfunction or similar mechanism.

4.e. Birsen Hanim Zeytinli can directly or indirectly collect all kinds of information about the Dealer, and can use the information in the widest way possible in all kinds of commercial activities, including sales activities, within the scope of the rights granted by the laws of the Republic of Turkey and this agreement to Birsen Hanim Olive Farm, in a way that does not harm the rights of the Dealer in the legal framework.

4.f. For the sake of the essence of the Service, Birsen Hanim Zeytinli can change all or some of the variable or default settings on the site, including, but not limited to, the default settings of the Reseller profile in the profiles specified for the Dealers, and the privacy options of the Dealer, without notifying the Dealer. It is the Reseller's responsibility to follow these changes.

4.g. The term "force majeure" includes, but is not limited to, natural disasters, riots, wars, strikes, communication problems, infrastructure and internet failures, power outages and bad weather conditions.

5. Provisions Regarding Campaigns

5 a. Birsen Hanim Zeytinlilığı allows (i) to review the Campaigns offered by the Contracted Service Providers/Businesses by its Dealers over the site, (ii) to make reservations online for its Dealers, limited to the terms and duration published on the site regarding the relevant Campaign. (iii) collects the fee in case of reservation (iv) transfers the collected fees to the Service Provider/Business. The field of activity of Birsen Hanim Olive Grove is only to offer these Campaigns to the Dealers through the website and to provide a platform for these opportunities to be obtained. The Contracting Party with the Dealer for the provision of the Service is only the Operator/Service Provider. Birsen Hanim Olive Farm only acts as an intermediary in benefiting from the Campaign. For this reason, Birsen Hanim Zeytinlik is not responsible for the performance, shame and fault of the service that is the subject of the Campaign.

5.b. When the reseller makes a reservation for a hotel (or any other type of accommodation), the name, (home or work) address, (business or personal) e-mail address, (mobile, home or work) phone number, credit card information (credit card) card type and number, CVC code, expiration date, credit card holder name), reservation and smoking preferences, etc. This information is required to process, fulfill and complete the reservation (including sending an e-mail to confirm the reservation). The dealer, virus etc. to be found on his computer. Birsen Hanim Zeytinli can not be held responsible for any damages that may be incurred by the Dealer due to the fact that transactions are made through the system with their passwords and information that may be obtained by third parties due to the software or the negligence of the Dealer, and Birsen Hanim Zeytinli has the right to demand the damages it may incur due to these reasons.

5.c. Birsen Hanim Zeytinliği is an online and real-time reservation site. All financial/penal liability arising from all reservation transactions made on the site with his/her own user name and password and the responsibility for the accuracy of the information given shall belong to the user. For reservations made, the Service Provider's own conditions apply for each Campaign. When the Dealer makes a reservation by benefiting from any Campaign, he/she is deemed to have accepted the terms and conditions of the Service Provider/Business where he has made the reservation. These terms and conditions also include conditions such as availability of vacancies, age limit, maximum occupancy rate, pet rules, small child rules. If such conditions are not met, the reservation fee will not be refunded. It is necessary and important for the Dealer to carefully read the terms of participation. The Dealer accepts that due to the Service Provider's non-compliance with any such conditions, the damage to be incurred by Birsen Hanim Zeytin Orphanage may result in situations such as direct compensation from the Dealer's account and cancellation of the reservation.

5 d. In order to provide its services to its Dealers, Birsen Hanim Zeytinlik negotiates certain hotel fee tariffs with the Businesses and presents the fee resulting from these negotiations to its Dealers on its website. The campaign price is binding. By making a transaction on the website, the dealer authorizes Birsen Hanim Zeytinliği to make a reservation at the relevant hotel for its own account over the total price given on the website and to collect this fee from the credit card provided with the information. The collection of other additional fees and taxes that will be added to this price according to the nature of the reservation is also within the authority of Birsen Hanim Olive Farm.

5.e. "3D Secure" systems are used by Birsen Hanim Zeytinliği to provide payment traffic to ensure optimum security during payments. The information required for making the payment (Example: Credit card number) is not kept by Birsen Hanim Zeytinliği. This information is transferred to the banks with which Birsen Hanim Zeytin Orphanage has a contract, without intermediaries. The transfer of information is carried out with SSL-Based 128-Bit encoding. Using online payment systems involves some risks. Users use these systems knowing and accepting these risks. Birsen Hanim Olive House does not accept any responsibility in this regard. In particular, viruses etc. to be found on the Dealer's computer. Birsen Hanim Zeytinlığı has no responsibility in any way for any damages that may be incurred by the Dealer due to the fact that transactions are made from the system with their passwords and information that may be obtained by third parties due to the software or the negligence of the Dealer. In cases where the credit card defined through the dealer's account is used improperly, Birsen Hanim Zeytincilik is not obliged to confirm the accuracy of the information or the identity of the Dealer.

6. Implementation of the Legislation on Distance Contracts

According to Article 2 of the Regulation on Distance Contracts dated March 6, 2011 and numbered 27866, articles 5, 6, 7, 8 and paragraph 1 of article 9 of this regulation are established with providers providing services in areas such as travel, accommodation, restaurant and entertainment sector. It does not apply to contracts in which the provider is under the obligation to deliver the contractual service performance on a certain date or within a certain time period. For this reason, Birsen Hanim Zeytin Grove is not obliged to submit any preliminary information form to the Dealer or to use the right of withdrawal regulated in the regulation, and the Dealer cannot demand the right of withdrawal and other rights regulated in these articles based on the mentioned articles of this regulation.

7. Entry into force of the contract

From the moment the dealer completes the registration process, he has accepted the conditions specified in this contract and this contract is deemed to have entered into force. In the above-mentioned cases, with the termination of the Dealership or the realization of any of the termination conditions listed in this contract, the contract will automatically become null and void without the need for any warning.

8. Competent courts and resolution of disputes

Istanbul Central Courts and Enforcement Offices are authorized to resolve disputes that may arise from the implementation of this contract.

9. Notification Addresses

9.a. Birsen Hanim Zeytinliği website does not require postal addresses from its dealers in advance. However, the e-mail address notified by the Dealer to Birsen Hanim Zeytinliği is considered as an e-mail where the legal address will be requested for any notification regarding this contract.

9.b. Unless the parties notify the other party in writing of changes in their current e-mails within 3 (three) days, they agree that requests to old e-mails will be valid and will be deemed validly made to them.

9.c. Again, any notification made by Birsen Hanim Zeytinlığı using the registered e-mail address of the Dealer shall be deemed to have reached the Dealer in a valid manner 1 (one) day after the e-mail is sent by Birsen Hanim Zeytinlığı.

10. Severability

The invalidity, illegality or non-enforcement of any provision of this Agreement, in whole or in part, shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remainder of this Agreement.

The dealer declares, accepts and undertakes that he has read, understood and accepted all of the articles in these Terms of Use and confirms the accuracy of the information he has given about himself.

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